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Live-in Care Family Application Form
Dear Family,
I hope you are well.
Please read the following before you fill in our online application form:
You can then fill in our Online Application which is below this message.
This application form can be completed in a range of formats including Google Forms. If you are completing this through Google Forms, you will see a message from Google immediately below this showing your email address and giving you the option to switch account. If the email address shown is the email address you normally use, then there is no need to switch account and you can disregard that message. If it is not the email address you normally use (perhaps you have more than one email address), click on switch account and choose the email address you wish to use.
Important note: We will also require a photo of your relative and photos of the inside of their house (i.e. kitchen, sitting room, bathroom and carer's proposed bedroom) to complete your application. So ideally you should have those photos saved on your laptop or phone before you start filling in this online application so you can upload the photos with the application. Alternatively, you can fill in this application and submit the photos later by email to placementdepartment@alhomecare.ie but please send them to us as soon as possible after you have submitted this online application because otherwise your application will be delayed. If you do submit the photos by email, please put your relative's name as the subject on the email so we can more easily connect the photos with the application.
Alternatively, we can either email you the application form or you can fill it in over the phone with Maria, Our Placement Manager.
You can email Maria at maria@alhomecare.ie and tell her which of these 2 options you prefer. She will be happy to arrange that with you.
If you have any questions, please contact Eileen on 087 991 6791 or Tom on 087 744 0729
Thank you and we look forward to successful cooperation with you.
Yours sincerely,
The ALHomecare Team
If you have any issues with completing our Online Application Form, please email maria@alhomecare.ie
By submitting this application and providing a private contact email address (not a business/work email address), the family contact person:
agrees to guarantee that any information provided to them by ALHomecare for the purpose of sourcing and hiring a live-in carer is handled as strictly confidential information and in compliance with the applicable data protection and privacy legislation, including in particular The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679);
confirms that the contact email address is their private and secure email address, not a work/business email address;
understands that if the family contact person shares information provided by ALHomecare with a third party in any form, the third party shall be subject to an obligation of confidentiality and has to equally comply with the applicable data protection and privacy legislation regarding this information;
agrees to guarantee that all information shall be deleted from their system and the third party(ies) thereof once the information received by ALHomecare is no longer relevant in sourcing and hiring a live-in carer;
agrees that ALHomecare will only correspond with the person who has submitted the application in relation to the information they have provided to ALHomecare in that application. If the person who submits the application wants ALHomecare to correspond with a different family member or with multiple family members, then the person who submitted the application must make that request to ALHomecare by email to placementdepartment@alhomecare.ie. It is the sole responsibility of the person who submits the application to ensure that any other family member(s) handle all the correspondence and information ALHomecare provides in a strictly confidential manner and in compliance with the applicable data protection and privacy legislation regarding this information.
Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation in keeping your family's and our carer's information safe and secure.