Safeguarding the Elderly - Report Elder Abuse
Elder abuse is the abuse of someone aged 65 or over and it happens in a relationship where there is an expectation of trust.
It is a single or repeated act, or a lack of action, that causes harm or distress to the older person or that violates their human and civil rights.
Abuse can take place in any situation. It may occur when an older person lives alone or with a relative. It may also happen in residential or day-care settings, in hospitals, home support services and other places assumed to be safe, or in public places.
Learn more about Elder Abuse
Click on the link and open hyperlink to learn more about elder abuse: Elder Abuse -
Report Elder Abuse - See contact details in your area below:
If you think an elderly person is being abused, contact the HSE safeguarding team in your area and also email Tom Quinlan at
In an emergency, where a person is at immediate risk, you should contact the Garda Síochana or Emergency Services on 999 or 112.
Bibliography, sources
Safeguarding vulnerable persons at risk of abuse National Policy and Procedures HSE 2014