Option Three: ALH Nurse
A qualified and experienced nurse
For €730 per week, the nurse works 5 days per week, 7 hours per day and sleeps in up to 7 nights per week as a passive presence in your relative's home.
The nurse can break her/his working day into blocks of time such as 2 hours in the morning, 2 hours in the afternoon and 3 hours in the evening.
The nurse's duties include house-keeping, meal preparation, companionship, personal care and medication supervision, if required.
In certain circumstances the care of a qualified nurse is either preferable or essential. They will be able to perform tasks such as checking blood pressure, monitoring blood sugar levels and assisting with certain other medical tasks that a regular carer wouldn’t be capable of. If your relative’s needs warrant the presence of a nurse, then we are able to supply the appropriate person to you.
If you want the nurse to do more than 35 hours per week, she/he can do up to 8 hours per day, 6 days per week. The overtime rate is €17.95 gross per hour.
You would provide the nurse with free accommodation and food as part of the agreement.
The €730 weekly cost includes the carer's gross salary, employer PRSI and ALHomecare's training and support fee.